Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Back to school?

Part of my heart walked through the middle school doors today. This is not a safe place for it to be. Ugh. Audrey started sixth grade today. Mason's in 8th but has one more day of hanging out with me until he goes back. So that means a golf course day of course. But Audrey, she walked through those doors today, ready or not.

We had a great summer. I can't remember one where we got to the end and I was a little sad to see them return to school. Usually they are at each other and making me crazy by July at the latest. They are actually still getting along this year and I have lost my cool fewer times than normal (don't ask them if they agree). Mason even walked her in to school today. It was awesome. She seemed to want a little support but in 6th grade it is cooler to have your older brother next to you than your mom. Mason was happy to do it. He even seemed a little disappointed when Audrey met up with her friends at the entrance and told him he could go.

I was at church a few days back and pulled two tees and a golf pencil out of my pocket. That sums up pretty well what we have been doing this summer. We spent countless hours at various golf courses around the state - sometimes playing but mostly just watching Mason play. The best time I have had with Mason this summer has been on the course.Some tournaments I can serve as his caddie, others I can barely speak to him except to remind him to drink and sunscreen. In general, I love walking with him. Have you ever been with a kid who has found their passion? It's remarkable. Mason LOVES golf. This may not seem like a profound statement as Mason has golfed for many years already but this kid comes to life on the course. One four day stretch he had golfed over 90 holes. I was exhausted and I was just driving/walking/encouraging. On the fifth day I asked him if he was as glad as I was for the break in golf. He wasn't. He wished he was golfing.

I never thought my kids' passion would be golf. It seems unlikely considering I don't golf and Michael only does occasionally. Left to my own devices I might have picked running or a musical instrument for him. But how awesome that it isn't up to me. I love seeing what unfolds for them and brings them joy. He is learning sportsmanship, patience and etiquette along with the intricacies of the game. He has met a great group of kids that he wouldn't have otherwise. For the moment he seems to enjoy having me out there with him and he is trying to get his sister interested. It is crazy but it is so much a part of who he is, it's a joy to watch unfold.

I am realistic. When he tells me his plan is to be a professional golfer, we talk about plan B and C. He is good but there are kids better. I am not counting on a college scholarship. But, right now, this is what brings him joy and I am enjoying being a part of this process with him.

Audrey has been pretty much a rock star putting up with the constant golf talk when it doesn't appear to be her passion. She is very supportive of Mason and will even occasionally play with him or push his clubs. I don't know what Audrey's passion is yet. She likes a lot of different things. Maybe she will always be diverse in her interests and not focus in on one activity or subject. I will encourage her with whatever she wants to pursue. I love how different they are than I am. It makes life more fulfilling.

Although I wasn't ready to have two kids in middle school and Audrey seemed a bit apprehensive (we talked about it at 3 and 4 am this morning), I am glad they have each other. I think they will look out for each other and - eventually - I will catch up and realize that I can't protect them forever.

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