Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The 50 mile celebration

I have now outlived my dad. This is what gives me most pause about turning 50. He died 10 days before his 50th birthday. I was keenly aware of the milestone 10 days before my 50th. I remember thinking how crazy it would be if that was my last day. I have lived a full life and am so extremely blessed with my friends, partner and kids. And, also, I feel like there are so many more experiences left to have. 50 still seems so young.

I had many thoughts about turning 50. I have never been too tied to an age or growing older. Of late I often surprise myself when I look in the mirror because my grey hair and increasing wrinkles betray an age that I forget I am. I believe I look my 50 years (and I am not looking for compliments here) but physically I feel better than I did a decade ago. I never stop to consider my age when I am thinking if I can or cannot accomplish something. I have a lot of younger friends and coworkers so maybe that helps me feel like it is all relative.

In addition to a birthday trip to Maine and New York where Dan and I toasted our 50 years on this planet, I knew I wanted to do something else to commemorate the day. Never really one for a party, I knew I wanted to somehow include my beloved people and my love for the outdoors in the celebration. I did not want to run 50 miles.....that just seems too long and painful. So, the 50-mile hiking adventure was born.

Today I wrapped up 50 miles of hiking spread out over 10 days with some of my favorite people. When this idea was forming a few months back, I made a list of friends and hikes. The specific hikes and distance were not as important to me. Each person I asked could tell me what day and distance worked for them and then I would find a hike. The adventure began on October 15. I kept a spreadsheet of the distance and hikes. I had left today open to finish whatever was left to get me to the 50 miles (turns out 5.58 miles).

The last 10 days have been truly beautiful for me. I am forever grateful to all of my amazing hiking partners. It was a chance to catch up, reconnect, enjoy our amazing state and remind me of my beloved community. I know each person who said yes was committing to make time in their schedule to hike and celebrate with me and did so with love. I am a better person for each one of you and the love you have shown me this week. Audrey joined one hike and Mason, since distance prevented him from joining, called me on my actual birthday hike and rode the same distance of the hike on a bike in Indiana to commemorate the day.

My heart is full. I am grateful for a body that will carry me 50 miles. I am grateful for my tribe and all the conversations and miles I have logged these past 10 days. I can't wait to see what the next decade holds.

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