Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Call of the Wild

I went on a trail run right before the end of 2019. I had been on a few in the past - nothing too serious. Trail runs have always made me a little nervous. I am worried about turning an ankle on roots and getting lost. Funny since I can also get lost road running and I have fallen twice on the road. Irrational or not, these fears, and the inconvenience of sometimes getting to a trail kept me from trail running. That was until someone made the flippant comment that I am not a trail runner. I am quietly competitive - mostly with myself. But, give me a challenge or tell me what I can't do, and I am likely going to try to prove you wrong. You may never know it, but I will. This comment about my trail running, lead me to Forest Park right before the New Year.

The run was great. I had already told myself that I would be slower because of the obstacles and just chill about the pace. It was muddy but so peaceful. I loved it. All five miles of it. I was in heaven. This should come as no surprise. I love to hike and mostly love to run so it's a perfect fit. I picked a section of Forest Park that is populated enough that I didn't have to worry about being too isolated. I decided that day that trail running was going to become more a part of my new year.

I don't tend to make New Year's Resolutions. I make a list of things I hope to accomplish for my birthday but nothing typically for the new year. Just not my thing. Mason pressed me this year. He told me he was going to work on not swearing for the year. This is great but also kind of funny because it is very rare that I hear any four letter word coming out of that kids' mouth....unless it is "fore." Then he says "what's your resolution mom?" And....he wouldn't let up. So, I said, plank for six minutes. Done. Resolution. I picked the one thing I know I can beat him at. Okay, maybe a little competitive. And, then, to get it off my plate, I nailed it the first week in. Done. Resolutions complete....until today.

On Sunday mornings that Mason is with me and I have an extra minute, I will get the Sunday Oregonian. He likes to read it and I will look at it occasionally. So, this past Sunday, I grabbed it and was looking at it after church. There was actually a whole section on rainy day hikes and all the races for 2020. It was kind of perfect. Just as I was closing it I saw a column from a writer that had run the entire Wildwood trail with his girlfriend. I was captivated. Thirty miles end to end.  I started thinking more about it.

Today I had a rare weekday off of work because I have a weekend shift this week. I decided to do another trail run. The first few days of 2020 weren't quite as I had hoped. It started with a patient firing me. I have only had this happen twice since becoming a nurse and both times have been at my current job. Even when it is coming from not the kindest patient, it is hard on the ego. The firing, along with a couple other things I won't go into, left me a little disheartened by the start of the year. So, I decided I needed to go in search of a new perspective and for me, that means outside. So, after coffee with my beautiful friend I headed for the Forest.

Halfway into my run, I was reminded the importance of having my own adventure. This year will be full of adventures that surround Mason graduating and moving to Rhode Island. Audrey's life is a continual adventure and my vacation time is already all booked with golf and college related outings. But, I need an adventure to call my own. One that feeds my soul. And, as I was running in Forest Park, I knew what it was. I am going to run the Wildwood Trail, all 30 miles, before my birthday next October. It will not be an organized race and I will not need to break a certain time. It will be my race. I have already enlisted my beautiful crew to run, provide encouragement, water and snacks along the way. And, as they always do, they said absolutely yes.

So....for not being a resolution person....it appears I now have one.

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