Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Story Behind the Lines

I almost didn't post this picture of the wonderful hike I took today. It was a great hike with a fun friend and I love how the picture captures my friend and the trail. I just don't love how I look. I looked at the photo and noticed I looked tired and didn't love those lines/wrinkles around my eyes. I was just going to post a scenery picture instead until I realized how ridiculous my assessment was.

Here's the thing - I WAS tired. I got up at 5:10 this morning because on Thursdays I don't work and Mason has the opportunity to get a golf practice with his coaches in before school. It's optional so I ask him every Wednesday night and he ALWAYS wants to go. So, we get up and go. My theory is, when a 15 year-old boy voluntarily wants to get up at 5:10 on a school day to practice something he loves, you do it if you can. I went on my hike after dropping the kids off at school and the dog at the vet.

The lines I was so critical of? Yeah...I'm 44. I have spent too much time running in the sun without enough sunscreen or a hat. I haven't done all the right lotions and anti-wrinkle creams. I have earned those lines from laughing so hard I cried and crying so hard all I wanted to do was laugh. I didn't have those lines in my 20's but I wouldn't trade where I am now for my 20's. I feel more, I love more, I am more the me I was supposed to be. So, I posted the picture.

Meera, the friend in the picture, texted me one morning a few weeks ago before 8 a.m. asking me if I wanted to go on a 14-mile hike. I asked her what day she was thinking and she told me - she meant now. Right now. I couldn't go because of previous commitments but I loved that she asked and I wished I could do it. Instead we made the date for today and had an awesome hike. I love that I have friends that will ask me spontaneously if I want to go for a 14 mile hike.

I was texting various friends the other day and it was fun to see that the people I communicate with on a fairly regular basis are of all ages. I love that I can be having a conversation with my 20-something amazing coworker who is smart, outspoken, hilarious and going to change the world of nursing, followed by a conversation with my friend who just turned 50 this year and crossed skydiving off her list this month.

I am glad I haven't been bothered by normal conventions of what a friend should look like. I would have missed many of the amazing people that have come my way. While my friends may vary widely in the decade they were born they share some common characteristics. They are kind, FUNNY, adventurous and they aren't afraid to LIVE. We talk about joys, pains, how hard teenagers are and sometimes bodily fluids (many are in the medical field).

So, yes, I have lines. I'm going to post the picture because I love that Meera and I went for a hike. I will keep saying yes to hikes, 5 am paddleboards and anything else you might want to do so don't be afraid to ask....and then don't be afraid to post the picture that shows you enjoying yourself, lines and all.

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