Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Life through the mind of a teenager

I have a guest blogger today! Mason's been working on this for awhile. After this post, he gets his own space and you will be able to find him here...http://masonbmusings.blogspot.com/ 

Hello. My name is Mason Bonn. I am 13 years old and live in Oregon. Now, you might be wondering, How can a teenager have space in his deeply complex brain to write a blog? And what could it possibly be about that appeals to all ages? I certainly don't want to read a blog about middle school girls! Well don't worry. I actually do think about other things than food and girls. Even if it is mostly golf, which, by the way, is a high-contact sport! Your club contacts the ball, your foot contacts the ground, over and over again!  So anyway, while this blog may not be your typical blog, It will (hopefully) answer the decade-old question; What in the world was he thinking?! That’s right, this blog is (mostly) dedicated to explaining what goes on in the mind of a teenager while he sits on the couch with a blank look on his face, staring at the TV. Truth is, it's probably more important than you think.

So, why do I want to write a blog? Well, I had two main motives. The first was my mom's blog, which I've always thought was awesome. I’m constantly pestering her to write a book. (http://wordynurse.blogspot.com/)  The second? It comes from a book my sister lent me. (give me a break here, guys. I get bored on 5 hour car rides.)  In it, a girl pours out her emotions online and receives nothing but positive affirmations. If only the real world was like that. In the real world, everyone's too busy trying to be perfect to care about other people's feelings. I blame social media. Which basically makes me a hypocrite, considering I currently own 2 Instagram accounts. Anyway, back to the point. So I decided to write a blog. Great. Awesome. So what's it about? Oh, right. I can't just have an empty blog. 

So I dug deep and thought, What do I have to tell that people would care about? I’m guessing there aren't enough people out there in the cyberworld that would care about youth golf, and I’m guessing there’s already one devoted to the utter greatness of pizza, so what's left? Oh wait, I know! What if I wrote about Us? Of course by us, I mean the most mysterious, lazy, and least talkative age group of all time. Drumroll please.... Teenagers! This was perfect because every parent who had ever had a child between the ages of 13-19 at some point looked at them and thought, What in the world are they thinking about? And of course it hadn't been done before because, as I already mentioned, teenagers are too busy trying to be perfect, acting mad at their parents or wondering when their next meal is. They don’t have the time to write a blog, and don't want to anyway. Except me. Truth is, I really do love to write, and I think it would be great to share my writing. Anyway, hang with me. I’m new at this. But I know I'll have fun. I just hope you'll get as much pleasure reading my words as I get writing them.


  1. Wow, Mason! This is an impressive start. I went to school with your mom (and had your grandma as my English teacher) and I also have a 13 year old son who loves golf. So I am interested in your thoughts! :-) Keep writing.

  2. This is seriously awesome, Mason! Looking forward to the installment!!
