Thursday, October 15, 2015

Who Needs Red Bull?

As it turns out, living with two middle schools means my body is in a constant state of "fight or flight." My sympathetic nervous system is in overdrive. I don't think, in general, this much adrenaline is good for my body. I should give up caffeine to mitigate some of the effects, but, I can't. I have decided that just before Mason walks through the door after school, I am going to start holding on to something stable, like a counter, just to maintain balance.

Yesterday, he came in and the first thing he says to me ... "It's probably a bad idea to text and ride my bike at the same time, right?" Mason is crazy smart. He knows I'm not going to be okay with this. He asks anyway. I have a hard time letting him ride his bike to and from school as it is because I know looking both ways before crossing is STILL something he hasn't mastered. So, the texting and biking was not welcome news. I made him write (legibly - which is a challenge), three reasons why biking and texting is not a good idea. These confessions and questions come fast and furious these days, hence the adrenaline overdrive.

After a long day of work, I jumped in the shower. Pretty soon I hear a frantic knowing on the bathroom door. "Mom!!! Three girls want to face time me. Is that okay??" Haven't we had the "no dates until you are 25" conversation? But, instead..."I guess so?" as I quickly finish my shower to at least chaperone the conversation. It was fine. All nice kids but I AM NOT READY FOR THIS. PLEASE STOP ASKING ME HARD QUESTIONS.

I intentionally have chosen not to pursue emergency department nursing. I am not an adrenaline junky. I am a planner. I like to know what is happening, within reason. At least on my medical-surgical floor I get a short report on the patient I am about to receive. There are always surprises - which I do my best to roll with - but at least I have some background. When you work in the Emergency Room you never now if a kid with a sliver or an adult in cardiac arrest is coming through those doors. I know people who love the excitement, energy and unknown. Not me.

So, who knew I would have to triage in my own house. Nobody prepared me for this. I had a patient ask me the ages of my kids the other day. He was about 20 years older than I am. When I told him, he chuckled. And then I asked him, "am I going to survive?" His response..."are you a drinker?" Yep and let's hope not a heavy one by the time the kids leave home.

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