Thursday, October 17, 2013

Is Your Mama a Llama?

Mine’s not but I do like the book. She would get heat rash in the desert. I don’t think she has the same kind of water storage system either. But, not unlike the Llama, she is interesting, friendly and can carry a lot at one time. 

As I cried “underappreciated” and “on strike” to my family the other night, I heard echoes from mothers’ everywhere – including my own. I am sure I got the “you never appreciate all the things I do for you” speech many a time. I will admit…I didn’t appreciate all the lunches, the rides, the vegetables and the tissues. My mom got a bad rap. She was making sure we drank our milk, went to bed on time and making friends that she was actually willing to invite to our house. My dad had a big, loud, fun personality. If I hadn’t eaten a vegetable in my 18 years at home, I don’t think he would have cared.

Now, as a mom, I totally appreciate her efforts and recognize what a cool lady I have in my life. Not only did she make sure I made it in one piece to adulthood, as an English teacher, she made sure I also knew never to end a sentence with a preposition. Since I was very small I knew that a lot was two words. The heartache she saved me.

She has had kind of a rough go of it lately. Not everything in her life is running as smoothly as I would wish for her. On top of some other issues, her dear friend died on Saturday. She had the chance to be with her as she lost her battle with cancer. I know what she experienced with her the final few days was hard and painful but what a blessing for both of them that she was by her side. If she wasn’t my mom, I would want her to be my friend too.

We haven’t always seen eye to eye on everything. When Michael asked for my hand in marriage, she thought I was too young and wouldn’t give him my ring size. You will be happy to know, they have since made up. She still is trying to get me to wear make-up and maybe brush my hair more often. I had to tell her to stop telling me I look tired because at this juncture, it is my permanent state and she can just compliment me when I look rested. In the scheme of things, our differences our minor. She loves me, adores my kids and is there for me when I ask. She has taught me that strength and courage come in many forms. Sometimes you just have to have patience and faith that everything will work out. Thanks, Mama and I’m glad you aren’t a Llama. That would just be awkward.


  1. I love you, my darling, and I am so glad that you are my daughter and that neither of us is a llama. Life has its rough spots, but family and friends carry us through them and we become stronger.
    Blessings, Mom

  2. I love this. You know how Glennon from Momastery has her lobster? You have your llama.
