Monday, September 16, 2013

Is Honesty Always the Best Policy?

I had a friend tell me the other day she was so glad to hear that I was so happy in my new job. I found it funny since I hadn’t told her that I liked my new job. I had said I loved the commute but that was about it. I still don’t know if I love my new job. I hope I know soon, but right now, verdict is still out. 

We always teach kids that honesty is the best policy and I still buy it. It is best to be honest but not saying too much can be okay too. People can’t always handle too much honesty. Sometimes I am that person. Some of you may know that my son has a habit of saying EVERYTHING that comes to his mind. Last year, getting off the bus was usually followed by an immediate confessional of all the things he had done wrong that day. This usually preceded a “hi, mom.” I found the information dump a bit overwhelming but he always felt better after and I tried to remind myself that it was better that he shared too much than not at all.

I consider myself an honest person. I also try to be a good listener. I try not to ask people how they are if I am not prepared for an answer that goes beyond “fine.” If I ask you, I really want to know. I try to do the same but I also try to read the person to see if they are asking as a greeting or if they really want to know. I am savvy enough to know that the checker at Target is being friendly and doesn’t want my five minute response on how I feel in limbo. She may call security if I really tell her how I am exasperated with my daughter because she can’t get dressed in the morning and we may never survive the next 9 years.

I read somewhere that there is a study out that links a rise in depression to social media. I get it. People on Facebook are posting their vacations, successes and kids’ accomplishments which can lead to people who aren’t having similar experiences feeling blue. Nobody is saying “hey, that was a really crappy Monday. I pretty much suck as a parent and by the end of the day, everyone was in tears.” I guess that’s not as interesting to read.

So, here it is. Things are kind of tough around here lately. I do love my commute. I am blessed that my kids are healthy and I have a job. I totally believe that. But, the new job is more of a transition than I anticipated. I see a much greater variety of illnesses and have learned a lot. The nurses and staff are really nice but the unit is in more transition than I realized. The acuity also tends to be less which means more patients and sometimes less time to spend with each one. There are times when I really miss my neuro patients. I go between feeling like I am getting the hang of it to feeling totally incompetent. The hospital itself is beautiful and I really think I will like it but right now, I am just a bit more unsure than I expected.

I am also finding this parenting of tweens thing a bit frazzling. We have high highs and low lows. I didn’t really expect this for a few more years. Mornings are ROUGH right now. Sometimes nights are too. I am hoping/praying we all fall into a routine soon that feels a bit smoother. 

That’s it. The sometimes messy truth we are living around the Bonn house at the moment. Hope it wasn’t too much.


  1. Not too much at all. I connect more with real social media posts and blog entries than I do with happy pictures and accomplishments. I'm sorry your transition hasn't been a smooth one. And I hear you on the mornings being terrible. I hate to micromanage but if I don't, both kids would be reading in a corner in their underwear. All morning. When does the sense of urgency kick in?

    Hang in there and feel free to vent, you can shoot me an email or text ANY time! Lots of hugs.

    1. Thanks, Jenni! Love the image of the kids. No sense of urgency at all....ever! Thanks for reading.

  2. Blogstalking from facebook... Thanks for this post. I appreciate people who are willing to be honest. I used to blog a lot and I tried to be really honest, but it's hard to be honest about reality when so many people whitewash everything. I had people comment on my blog and tell me to "stop being so negative" when I was just trying to be real.

    From across the street at least, you look like the neighbor that has it all together. I feel like the crazy neighbor with four loud kids and the erratic dog that she can't get to behave. :) I'm NOT glad mornings are rough for you, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't have a perfect life. From the mom who only ever goes to the bus stop in her Pj's.

    1. Thanks, Karen. Nope. Not all together here! I hope the start of school is going well for your kiddos. I ran by a lady at the bus stop in her robe the other day. It was reassuring :)!
