Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Perils of Being a Kid

I chaperoned a third grade field trip last week. Those trips, they wear me out more than nursing. I am grateful that my schedule allows me to go now and again and this one was to Camp Tilikum – a scenic, fun outdoor camp in the country. The weather was great and, thankfully, the ratio of parents to kids was pretty good.

On these trips I am often reminded how hard it is to be a kid. We had group of 15+ fairly well behaved 8-year-olds but even so – it is hard to sit still, hard to follow directions, hard to navigate friendships. Whew. One boy called Audrey an idiot (really?). Fortunately he shares his awesome vocabulary equally among kids so she didn’t take it too personally. Another girl who tends toward the dramatic got REALLY mad at Audrey when they didn’t end up in the same canoe together. On top of this you have the big decisions like who to sit by at lunch, stand next to in line, etc., etc. 

No wonder my kids are worn out when they get home. Not only are they learning math, spelling and all the other usual suspects, they have to figure out people and relationships. I forgot how exhausting this can be. I hear kids telling one another that they aren’t their friends any more. Nice. Like life isn’t hard enough and then the people you thought were your friends aren’t – probably for some important reason like you wore blue instead of pink today. I tell my kids that the friends I have now would never say that to me. If they are your friends, they are your friends every day – even on the hard days. I think they kind of get it but it is still so hard when the buddy they have had for a year “decides” they aren’t buddies any more – at least for this moment. How are we ever going to survive middle school?

I try to reassure them that this will all shake out and they will find themselves with some good, true friends. Friends who are your friends every day, despite what color you are wearing. That’s the nice part of being an adult …ideally you are spending more of your time with nice people – people you are choosing to be around. Most of the friends I have now, I have been friends with for years. 

I was trying to explain to my kids the other day that the great thing about true friends is that you get excited when they succeed. As you grow up, it stops being about competition and you get to enjoy seeing where life takes the people in your life. I find myself getting really excited when I see some of my friends’ accomplishments. My good friend passed the bar a few weeks ago after hours and hours of studying. I almost felt like I had passed. For a moment I thought I did and tried to practice law until someone reminded me I need a degree for that...details… 

Another one of my friends made a MOVIE. Like a real, in theaters movie- not like the kind Mason makes on the flip video camera. This movie is a really awesome documentary that follows Detroit firefighters. Michael and I got the chance to see it when it came to town for a couple of days.

Another friend of mine never ceases to amaze me by the remarkable job she is doing raising her three boys on her own as her husband serves in Afghanistan. I think this is his third tour out of the country. She doesn’t complain, is a wonderful mom and has a steadfast faith that I wish I could emulate. And the list goes on and on. The friends in my life help teach me important lessons every day that guide me along in this journey.

When I take a look at my friends, it reassures me that in the end, Mason and Audrey will find some true friends of their own. Friends who will share in the good and bad that comes along with living. I just hope we make it to that point. I don’t know how much drama this mama can take.

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