Monday, June 4, 2012

Summer…don’t run me over

There are 8.5 days until summer. Make that 8. My kids give me the countdown regularly. They are gleeful. To them summer means no homework, more time to play, mom eases the electronics restrictions, and warm weather. They can hardly wait. I know my teacher friends feel the same way. They are part of the countdown. The kids are restless making learning and teaching nearly impossible. I know this because I helped out in Audrey’s class last week. I was only there for 45 minutes helping with reading groups and I almost went crazy. How hard can it be to get six 8-year olds to sit still for 10 minutes to take turns reading a story? Nearly impossible…I could never teach. Bless those teachers. 

I don’t have the same warm, exciting feelings about summer. Matter of fact, the mere mention of the word makes my heart race, my sweat glands flip to overdrive and my respirations increase. Don’t judge me. I know there are those of you who welcome summer with open arms. You love the lack of schedule and the ability to hang out more with your kids. That is awesome. I love my kids. I really do. But I find the balance of school and the chance for them to spend time with their friends and for me to get a moment either to sleep off the night shift or have a coffee in peace works pretty well around here. It makes things a little less crazy.

I feel like summer is just waiting around the corner, taunting me. I am not sure how it is all going to go down. I have June pretty well figured out but that leaves two entire months. I only get my work schedule a month at a time which makes it nearly impossible to line up a babysitter for nights I work back to back. All these details are irrelevant to my kids .They want to know what I have planned. What exciting adventures we will be embarking on and who we will be spending our time with because most of the time, I am not enough. I don’t think they will be very excited to learn that mom is going to be spending some time in bed and as for exciting adventures…well, I need one of those parents who embrace summer to stop by and line those up for me. 

We did have the wild idea to try backpacking rather than car camping. I am not sure if we will pull it together to execute it this summer but we are going to try. My friend told me her parents tried it with them…once. I hope it isn’t the kind of thing that sounds really great but the reality is a little less awesome. Like running. I took both my kids on a 1.5 mile run last week. Mason has expressed some interest so we have gone a few times. We made Audrey try it with us last week. It sounded great in theory but when we got to the top of our street, she was already tired and complaining. I still dragged her through the rest of the run. I was quite sure someone was going to look out and call child protective services but that was last week and nobody has come to my door. I am hopeful that since backpacking feels like more of an adventure we might have more success. Right?

I know these ages are fleeting. My kids have an innocence and excitement that, at times, can be contagious. I want to embrace and enjoy it but to do that this summer…it is going to take a lot of coffee. My awesome friend who is a teacher told me she sent up a prayer that summer wouldn’t kill me. Amen sister. Here we go.

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