Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Wordy Nurse

Happy New Year. I am not a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions. In everyday life, I am an over analyzer. I am constantly thinking about how to be kinder, more compassionate, a better parent, etc.  I don’t need one particular day to agonize over my long list of shortcomings and write down my resolve to do better. BUT, this year is different. I made one important realization over the past few weeks. 

I am a writer. I like to write. I will never be published or write a memoir or even necessarily write anything particularly newsworthy. But that’s okay…I just need to write.  This has become even clearer to me as I started my new career as a nurse back in September. So far, I LOVE being a nurse. I really do…body fluids and all. I believe that I have finally found my calling and passion. I think this nursing thing and me, we are going to get along just fine. But, here’s the thing: there isn’t any writing in nursing. I chart. I chart A LOT. But, I am limited in my text. Usually I have to make everything one or two words. Even in the free text “progress notes” that mark the highlights of your time with the patient, I am limited to about 75 words. How can I possibly describe my interaction with another human being in 75 words? I feel limited. Apparently nobody wants to know that I think this confused 75 year old man had a nice smile, a crazy daughter, doesn’t sleep and seems particularly anxious about how he will function since having a stroke. Instead, I have to say “yes” he peed, “yes” he walks with a walker and “yes” I removed the staples from his head before my shift was over. There isn’t space to say “Yes, I did indeed remove the staples and that was about the weirdest experience ever. Who knew that the tool you use to remove head staples is pretty much the same one in your office desk? And, it didn’t appear to hurt. How strange is that?” No, those are the things I have to think but not chart.

So, here I am. This year I will try and write. I never fancied myself a blogger. Quite frankly, I don’t even like the word. So, for now I am a wordy nurse. I have things to say…things I need to write down. I am not sure why I decided to try it out in a public forum but let’s give it a whirl. Read me, or don’t…I won’t ask the next time I see you. If you think I am getting to full of myself or I start to think the tiniest detail of my life is of the utmost importance – like what I ate for breakfast – please make me stop.

This is a big year. Here I am…writing. I am a nurse. I am turning 40 this year. Yep, a big year.

Happy New Year.


  1. Living with a nurse for the past 10 years...I really enjoyed your words.

  2. I absolutely love this. REFLECTION. Good for you! Aaron

  3. You one one amazing and talented lady. If only we could all be so lucky to have you as our caring and wordy nurse. Good luck!

  4. This is brilliant. I've always referred to you (after receiving the Bonn Xmas letter) as the female Dave Barry. You have a unique perspective and great wit and insight into daily life. That you share your nursing adventures for me is even better.

  5. Yay! I will pretend that this one of the notes you are writing me back in high school. I do miss those! Go Wordy Nurse! Love it!

  6. I think I will laugh, cry and wish I was a nurse too... that's how fine a writer I think you are:) Thanks for sharing..

  7. I'm reading! I would love to hear more about all things nursey. And all things Debra. I miss living near you and chatting. I STILL have plans to also go to nursing school someday (I just have to stop having babies!) Looking forward to more posts!

  8. Debra, this is fantastic! I stumbled upon your blog on Aaron's page, knew his family when we lived and worked in Eugene. I recently pulled up some cute pics of when you came over for Gavon's 3rd birthday. Miss the neighborhood and living next to you. Enjoying your words :)

