Friday, May 14, 2021

The Little Blue House


I close on the sale of my house today. I signed all the documents yesterday. It took less than 10 minutes. The whole process was really pretty easy. My realtor/friend Chris already had a buyer when we first met. He was working with some people who had been trying to buy into Sherwood but the market is so crazy right now they kept losing out. He knew they would like my house and the opportunity. My house is perfect for a first time home buyer - small, low cost for this market,  good school district - a lot of perks. It ended up being a good deal for both of us. I didn't have to put a ton of work getting my place ready and having lots of people walk through and they didn't get outbid in a crazy market. I still will be renting here for another month until I get married and move to Newberg with Dan.

I didn't expect to be quite as nostalgic as I am about leaving the little blue house but I am. I have many good, hard memories in this house. It is the only place I have owned on my own. When I moved into the house I was starting over. I was overwhelmed. I spent many late nights hanging from the top of a ladder painting, fueled by wine and M&M's. It's kind of a miracle I didn't injure myself when I think about it. I had dear friends insist on coming to help me because they knew I wouldn't ask. I learned how to replace a toilet, remove and paint doors, rip out a shrub that had taken over the entire front yard and had a life of it's own, and assemble furniture. I started a new job and then changed clinic locations since I moved in here. I sent a kid to college. I helped another navigate high school during covid. I hosted a covid friendly prom and homecoming. I hung up my friend's art that she made for me. I ran an ultra marathon. I adopted Chewy Lewis. I fell in love.

I love the new house that Dan and I found in Newberg. It is in a neighborhood but it has beautiful backyard views of hills and alpacas. We can hear the crickets and birds that live in the marsh just off our backyard. I have found a new running path. We are putting together our library. I have an entire room devoted to a library! It will be amazing. But still I am so grateful for my time in the blue house.

It is here in this house that I remembered my strength. I took up trail running. I remembered I was brave enough and had enough support to try oncology - which is the perfect fit. I had incredibly honest conversations around the dinner table with my kids. It cracks me up when I see articles talk about "conversation starters with your teen." Nothing is off limits here. I imagine at times my kids would like a reprieve from the life discussions. They know it's a safe space here though and I will do my best to create that in the Newberg house.

The next chapter will be good. I know it and I am looking forward to it. But, I will be forever grateful for this 1000 square foot space that was a learning and loving place for me the past three years.

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