Friday, July 20, 2018

The Chapter You Don't Read Out Loud

I saw this quote the other day on a friend's facebook feed "Everybody has a chapter they don't read out loud." Yep. This is so true. I know it in my life and the lives I see every time I go to work. Some chapters are meant to be shared and some aren't. Despite having a blog and probably divulging more than my kids would like me to - especially when it's about them - I generally consider myself a private person. There are things I intentionally leave out. Not every thing is meant for public consumption. That's why I struggle writing this...

I am currently in the midst of a chapter I would prefer to not read out loud. The problem is, I don't think it's fair if I leave it for my kids to do on my behalf and I am starting to see that happening. So, here goes....Michael and I got a divorce. I am in the process of buying a house that should close first week in August. While I know this will come as a surprise to many friends and acquaintances, this has not happened suddenly and I trust that if you know us well, you know that this is not a spur of a moment decision. Nobody is going through a mid life crisis. There is no victim and villain in this story. There is just a family trying to navigate a very new and difficult situation with as much grace and love as possible.

We are sad. This is a difficult time and we have two AMAZING kids that we will continue to love and support and we ask that you do the same. I guess my other ask would be related to another quote I saw on my feed the other day: "Check on Your Strong Friends." Everyone has a story. Most we don't know.

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