Monday, May 11, 2015

Hug a Nurse

Today I attended a meeting that reminded me why I love nurses. I am one of the chairs of a committee that meets to try to improve upon and better our practice which ideally results in improved patient care. To be honest, I am not always glad that I am in charge of a committee. It can be frustrating, involves conflict and takes time. Being conflict adverse and constantly struggling with work/family balance, I have been known to gripe about it a time or two. But, today, sitting around a table listening to nurses and CNA’s talk about various ideas and proposals, I was struck by how fortunate I am to be part of such a great group of people. The underlying theme with all of the concerns and suggestions, is providing a better, safer experience for the patient. The group I was with today wasn’t complaining about the long hours or the work itself, they were expressing concern for their patients. Some of the attendees had just finished a 12-hour night shift and there they were, staying extra hours to try to improve care for others. How awesome is that?

Nurses Day was last week. As usual, I am a little behind. But, I just wanted to take this opportunity to share why I love this group that I have the privilege to work alongside.

  • If you yell for help, several people were run toward you instead of away from you.

  • Nurses can talk about ANYTHING over lunch. Nobody starts looking green or asks you to stop. I forget this sometimes when I come home until I see the look on Michael’s face. I guess not everyone likes to discuss wound care with dinner?

  • There is always someone who knows a better way to do everything. Nurses and CNA’s are a resourceful bunch. Just last week a CNA showed me how I could use a vomit bag to cover up an iv line so it wouldn’t get wet in the shower. It was brilliant.

  • Nurses will take time to talk to the patient. On my floor we each often have 4-5 patients to care for at one time. It can be really busy. I love it when I walk by a room and see a nurse sitting and talking to a patient. I tend to be overly focused and sometimes forget that one patient might just need a few extra minutes to talk more than they need a Tylenol.

  • They are funny. I laugh more since working as a nurse than any of my previous careers. I think you have to have a sense of humor or it would be easy to become disheartened by all the chronic illnesses and unfortunate circumstances that we see.
  • They are skilled! I am in the right place if my heart ever goes out. I have no doubt someone will be performing chest compressions on me and probably cracking a rib within seconds.

  • I know they have my back. It’s a team and I know if something ever goes awry, they will support me.

So, Happy Belated Nurses Day. I would say hug a nurse but you wouldn’t believe the germs that we are exposed to. Buy them a coffee instead.

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